Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Conflict between Empire Corsairs and White Templars

Conflict has erupted in Baal and Sowathara between the Empire Corsairs and the White Templars, two pilots organizations loyal to Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. The reasons that lead to this sudden clash are unclear, and opinions vary widely among the actors.

According to a Templar official interviewed in Tousey Port, "These scumbags are helping our competitors in Baal and are acting like trigger-happy sociopaths in our territory!"

A statement from the Corsairs leadership puts blame for the hostilities on the White Templars: "These cowards outnumber, intercept, and kill corsairs without warning. Some are wanted in Sowathara. It just cannot continue. We felt we had to respond to this kind of agression."

Local authorities cautioned civilians to avoid Baal and Sowathara until further notice. Rumours of talk between the two organizations could indicate that attempts are made to de-escalate the conflict before the end of the year.

Commander Jondo Kobran
Liaedin Chronicle| Interstellar Press

Eotienses Celebrates Planetfall

Eotiensians today mark their most important date in the standard calendar, Planetfall. It is 989 standard years since the first colonists set foot on Eotienses A 3. Independent colonists first arrived in 2288, setting up Parkinson Dock for lucrative mining operations and Adams Market to oversee the terraforming project and serve as a trading hub. The first small settlement was founded by Isabelle Patreus, the expedition’s specialist botanist, on 21st December 2312. Two years later the system voted by majority referendum to become part of the nascent Empire.

To commemorate the date, native Eotiensians prepare a feast with family, friends, and the local community. This is a traditional celebration of Eotienses’ advanced agricultural technology, driven by the demands of a planet with minimal axial tilt, a 39 day ‘year’, and a week-long rotation. In addition, the annual Planetfall Games kick off with the festival, a competitive sporting event in which hang-gliding and paragliding are considered the height of the spectacle, flight being easier to achieve in Eotienses’ 77% gravity.

The historic Water Palace, seat of noted Senator and 22nd Duke, Denton Patreus, is open to visitors for one day only, and hosts an extravagant open buffet for all who wish to attend.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
The Eotienses Chronicle

Published in Eotienses as an independent story.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Shadows of the Wicked

After chaotic scenes last week in LTT 874, citizens have begun to return home as the threat of Kumo expansion recedes in the system.

The sense of relief was short lived however when several mutilated bodies were discovered in abandoned consignments of crop harvesters aboard Parkinson Orbital, all belonging to LTT 874 Empire Party officials. Each corpse had been branded with a sinister message:

"Who will be next?"

Speaking anonymously, a representative of the LTT 874 Empire Party spoke of her terror as fear gripped an already traumatised population:

"We thought the Kumo had gone, but after finding these bodies people are afraid again. Every shadow reminds us that we are no longer safe- may the Emperor protect us."

Commander Gan
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Published in Harma, Achenar and LTT 874.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Valued Customer

With Zorgon Petersons ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction and vehicle reliability, we are announcing an upgrade program to rectify performance issues identified in Fer De Lance models manufactured between 3299 and 3301 (frame serial numbers ZP FDL 16578 / ZP FDL 16689).

The upgrade will increase maneuverability, reduce overheating issues and enable larger powerplants to be fitted.

Zorgon Peterson has instructed all station based maintenance centres to carry out the reliability enhancement to affected ships the next time they dock free of charge.

Zorgon Peterson would like to thank commanders for their continued custom, and that they continue to enjoy our wide range of products.

Commander Gan
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Federal System Burns, Governor Killed

Governor Neil Chong, of the Social VVO 19 for Equality party, has been confirmed as amongst the dead in what has been described as a brutal attack on Meade Port by forces suspected to be with Archon Delaine’s Kumo Crew.

Witnesses described how a Federal Corvette, flying the colours of Captain Oliver Jackson, arrived at Meade Port to collect a ransom of the governor’s children. The following day Governor Chong’s office released a statement that Captain Jackson had been brought to trial on charges of piracy, kidnapping, and murder. The trial was brought to an abrupt halt by the arrival of three heavily armed Anacondas followed by power failures across Meade Port, during which the prisoner absconded and 55 were killed in the fighting that ensued. A new viral recording was released shortly afterwards which appears to confirm the identity of Kumo lieutenant ‘Blackjack’:

“Chong was traitorous scum! I thought there was still a chance for reconciliation with the Federation, with an old Navy buddy as envoy. Turns out he was the one betrayed me all those years ago. My wife figured it out and he shot her dead! Let VVO 19 burn. Let them all burn!”

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Harma, Sol, Achenar and VVO 19.

Stations Under Libertas Management

Following four weeks of icy relations between Munshin Allied PLC and Libertas Co-operative, hostilities spilled into the skies of Munshin this weekend. System defense forces flying under command of Libertas Co-operative were aided by numerous Aisling aligned commanders including the Black Hand and Pileus Libertas.

These efforts were quickly successful and Libertas Co-operative took over management of both Sterney's Refuge and Harding Station early Monday morning.

Speaking from new Libertas Co-operative offices, Galleria Huneric welcomed the new additions: "We at Libertas regret the unfortunate turn of events forced upon us these last three days. It is always our preference, as your stewards, to find solutions which appeal to all parties. Going forward we are excited to embrace new opportunities here at Sterney's Refuge and in Harding Station."

Commander Quade
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Imperial Pilots Answer the Call

Imperial pilots this past week chose to answer the threat of the Emperor’s Dawn base in Kausalya by offering their ships and their flight skills to the cause. Dozens of wings under the Imperial flag arrived in Kausalya with overtures of international cooperation.

Cmdr Linden Martin, pledged to Senator Patreus, said: “We’ve been tracking and fighting Dawn for weeks and suspected that the Senator’s announcement would lull them into a false sense of security. We know how to fight these terrorists, we know their tactics. The Emperor entrusted Senator Patreus with pacifying this threat, and my wingmates and I consider it our duty to see that mission discharged. President Hudson recognises the threat Emperor’s Dawn poses to peace in the galaxy, and we stand ready to assist.”

Operations in Kausalya were concluded faster than news commentators expected, as thousands of pilots from across the Federation, Empire, and independent systems came together to demonstrate the determination of civilised society not to be dictated to by terrorists.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Published in Kausalya.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Devil At Your Door

Citizens across the Empire were in panic today as reports emerged of Kumo infiltration in the wealthy system of LTT 874, a place only 15ly from Achenar and Capitol.

The Kumo Crews advance into the system began violently aboard Parkinson Orbital when the body of a missing LTT 874 Empire Party official was dumped from a passing transport clutching a blood stained note:

“The Imperial Senate foolishly began the war with the Kumo. Now we return the favour, and bring the Pegasi War to the very doorstep of the Empire, to the gates of Achenar itself. There is no place left to hide, for we are everywhere. Surrender and live, oppose us and die.”

Despite pleas for calm and unity, wealthy families have been reported secretly moving finances away from the system as dread grips the heart of the Empire. Terrified citizens in LTT 874 have taken to the streets to plead for help, but so far the ruling LTT 874 Empire Party and other Imperial channels have remained silent.

Attention now falls on senior Imperial figures, and the difficult task of fighting their elusive foe in the one place that was once thought safe.

The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Published in Achenar, LTT 874 and Kamadhenu.

"Snakes on an Orca" Released

Last night the film “Snakes on an Orca” was previewed by lead critics, and members of the cast and crew. In this film snakes are released on an unsuspecting crew to kill a key witness in an upcoming piracy case. According to the director, John Braben, the movie was intended to not only be a comedy but a serious insight to the growing threat of piracy and the Kumo Crew in the galaxy. CMDR Rappy, who is best known for his pranks involving interdicting people in a sidewinder, Has stated "Squeeee!, the movie was great and the snakes were so kawaii."

Commander M. Saber 
Star Express | Interstellar Press