Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Conflict between Empire Corsairs and White Templars

Conflict has erupted in Baal and Sowathara between the Empire Corsairs and the White Templars, two pilots organizations loyal to Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. The reasons that lead to this sudden clash are unclear, and opinions vary widely among the actors.

According to a Templar official interviewed in Tousey Port, "These scumbags are helping our competitors in Baal and are acting like trigger-happy sociopaths in our territory!"

A statement from the Corsairs leadership puts blame for the hostilities on the White Templars: "These cowards outnumber, intercept, and kill corsairs without warning. Some are wanted in Sowathara. It just cannot continue. We felt we had to respond to this kind of agression."

Local authorities cautioned civilians to avoid Baal and Sowathara until further notice. Rumours of talk between the two organizations could indicate that attempts are made to de-escalate the conflict before the end of the year.

Commander Jondo Kobran
Liaedin Chronicle| Interstellar Press

Eotienses Celebrates Planetfall

Eotiensians today mark their most important date in the standard calendar, Planetfall. It is 989 standard years since the first colonists set foot on Eotienses A 3. Independent colonists first arrived in 2288, setting up Parkinson Dock for lucrative mining operations and Adams Market to oversee the terraforming project and serve as a trading hub. The first small settlement was founded by Isabelle Patreus, the expedition’s specialist botanist, on 21st December 2312. Two years later the system voted by majority referendum to become part of the nascent Empire.

To commemorate the date, native Eotiensians prepare a feast with family, friends, and the local community. This is a traditional celebration of Eotienses’ advanced agricultural technology, driven by the demands of a planet with minimal axial tilt, a 39 day ‘year’, and a week-long rotation. In addition, the annual Planetfall Games kick off with the festival, a competitive sporting event in which hang-gliding and paragliding are considered the height of the spectacle, flight being easier to achieve in Eotienses’ 77% gravity.

The historic Water Palace, seat of noted Senator and 22nd Duke, Denton Patreus, is open to visitors for one day only, and hosts an extravagant open buffet for all who wish to attend.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
The Eotienses Chronicle

Published in Eotienses as an independent story.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Shadows of the Wicked

After chaotic scenes last week in LTT 874, citizens have begun to return home as the threat of Kumo expansion recedes in the system.

The sense of relief was short lived however when several mutilated bodies were discovered in abandoned consignments of crop harvesters aboard Parkinson Orbital, all belonging to LTT 874 Empire Party officials. Each corpse had been branded with a sinister message:

"Who will be next?"

Speaking anonymously, a representative of the LTT 874 Empire Party spoke of her terror as fear gripped an already traumatised population:

"We thought the Kumo had gone, but after finding these bodies people are afraid again. Every shadow reminds us that we are no longer safe- may the Emperor protect us."

Commander Gan
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Published in Harma, Achenar and LTT 874.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Valued Customer

With Zorgon Petersons ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction and vehicle reliability, we are announcing an upgrade program to rectify performance issues identified in Fer De Lance models manufactured between 3299 and 3301 (frame serial numbers ZP FDL 16578 / ZP FDL 16689).

The upgrade will increase maneuverability, reduce overheating issues and enable larger powerplants to be fitted.

Zorgon Peterson has instructed all station based maintenance centres to carry out the reliability enhancement to affected ships the next time they dock free of charge.

Zorgon Peterson would like to thank commanders for their continued custom, and that they continue to enjoy our wide range of products.

Commander Gan
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Federal System Burns, Governor Killed

Governor Neil Chong, of the Social VVO 19 for Equality party, has been confirmed as amongst the dead in what has been described as a brutal attack on Meade Port by forces suspected to be with Archon Delaine’s Kumo Crew.

Witnesses described how a Federal Corvette, flying the colours of Captain Oliver Jackson, arrived at Meade Port to collect a ransom of the governor’s children. The following day Governor Chong’s office released a statement that Captain Jackson had been brought to trial on charges of piracy, kidnapping, and murder. The trial was brought to an abrupt halt by the arrival of three heavily armed Anacondas followed by power failures across Meade Port, during which the prisoner absconded and 55 were killed in the fighting that ensued. A new viral recording was released shortly afterwards which appears to confirm the identity of Kumo lieutenant ‘Blackjack’:

“Chong was traitorous scum! I thought there was still a chance for reconciliation with the Federation, with an old Navy buddy as envoy. Turns out he was the one betrayed me all those years ago. My wife figured it out and he shot her dead! Let VVO 19 burn. Let them all burn!”

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Harma, Sol, Achenar and VVO 19.

Stations Under Libertas Management

Following four weeks of icy relations between Munshin Allied PLC and Libertas Co-operative, hostilities spilled into the skies of Munshin this weekend. System defense forces flying under command of Libertas Co-operative were aided by numerous Aisling aligned commanders including the Black Hand and Pileus Libertas.

These efforts were quickly successful and Libertas Co-operative took over management of both Sterney's Refuge and Harding Station early Monday morning.

Speaking from new Libertas Co-operative offices, Galleria Huneric welcomed the new additions: "We at Libertas regret the unfortunate turn of events forced upon us these last three days. It is always our preference, as your stewards, to find solutions which appeal to all parties. Going forward we are excited to embrace new opportunities here at Sterney's Refuge and in Harding Station."

Commander Quade
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Imperial Pilots Answer the Call

Imperial pilots this past week chose to answer the threat of the Emperor’s Dawn base in Kausalya by offering their ships and their flight skills to the cause. Dozens of wings under the Imperial flag arrived in Kausalya with overtures of international cooperation.

Cmdr Linden Martin, pledged to Senator Patreus, said: “We’ve been tracking and fighting Dawn for weeks and suspected that the Senator’s announcement would lull them into a false sense of security. We know how to fight these terrorists, we know their tactics. The Emperor entrusted Senator Patreus with pacifying this threat, and my wingmates and I consider it our duty to see that mission discharged. President Hudson recognises the threat Emperor’s Dawn poses to peace in the galaxy, and we stand ready to assist.”

Operations in Kausalya were concluded faster than news commentators expected, as thousands of pilots from across the Federation, Empire, and independent systems came together to demonstrate the determination of civilised society not to be dictated to by terrorists.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Published in Kausalya.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Devil At Your Door

Citizens across the Empire were in panic today as reports emerged of Kumo infiltration in the wealthy system of LTT 874, a place only 15ly from Achenar and Capitol.

The Kumo Crews advance into the system began violently aboard Parkinson Orbital when the body of a missing LTT 874 Empire Party official was dumped from a passing transport clutching a blood stained note:

“The Imperial Senate foolishly began the war with the Kumo. Now we return the favour, and bring the Pegasi War to the very doorstep of the Empire, to the gates of Achenar itself. There is no place left to hide, for we are everywhere. Surrender and live, oppose us and die.”

Despite pleas for calm and unity, wealthy families have been reported secretly moving finances away from the system as dread grips the heart of the Empire. Terrified citizens in LTT 874 have taken to the streets to plead for help, but so far the ruling LTT 874 Empire Party and other Imperial channels have remained silent.

Attention now falls on senior Imperial figures, and the difficult task of fighting their elusive foe in the one place that was once thought safe.

The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Published in Achenar, LTT 874 and Kamadhenu.

"Snakes on an Orca" Released

Last night the film “Snakes on an Orca” was previewed by lead critics, and members of the cast and crew. In this film snakes are released on an unsuspecting crew to kill a key witness in an upcoming piracy case. According to the director, John Braben, the movie was intended to not only be a comedy but a serious insight to the growing threat of piracy and the Kumo Crew in the galaxy. CMDR Rappy, who is best known for his pranks involving interdicting people in a sidewinder, Has stated "Squeeee!, the movie was great and the snakes were so kawaii."

Commander M. Saber 
Star Express | Interstellar Press

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Civilised Justice

An audio interview with one of Archon Delaine’s Kumo Crew, rumoured to be a top lieutenant, is going viral across civilised space. In the recording the anonymous pirate, who identifies himself only by the moniker ‘Blackjack’, reveals why he joined the Kumo Crew.

“Yeah, I was a Lieutenant Commander in the Federal Navy. There was a slave ring operating out of the neighbouring system, someone was coming in and grabbing our people. I was assigned to work with the governor, investigate, and come up with a plan to shut it down. Then the Post Commander tells me to stop digging around, that if I just let it go we can all make some credits. I reported him to the Rear Admiral of the battle group. Turns out he was in on it. Dishonourable discharge, blacklisted from finding honest work; this is how the Federation treats an officer of integrity. This is what they call civilised justice.”

Federal Navy commentators have rubbished the recording as a hoax, but public clamour may prompt an internal investigation.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Harma, Sol and Achenar.

Large strike force undermines Federation systems

Reports are coming in of a massive attack against the Federation systems on Sunday. This has now been confirmed as the first joint strike by the Aislings Angels and The White Templars. Sources have revealed that 4 squadrons of ships from the two groups attacked Felicia Winters control systems, seven systems under her control have now been heavily undermined in one night. This could be a worrying trend for Winters as the Empire groups look to be working closely together to cut off her income. 

Quote from the Templars 'This is the start of a new and stronger relationship between the Empire groups, this cooperation is for the good of the many, let us breakdown the barriers and all work for a common good.'

A worrying trend for the enemies of the Empire, cooperation of this kind could turn the tide in the many battle fronts of the Empire. 

Commander Pierre916 
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

This has been a sponsored story for the White Templars.

Intergalactic Travel Takes a Step Closer

Professor Yvette Kunoth of the widely respected independent institution, the Sapiens Research Centre and Space Agency, today released a brief statement alongside the publication of an extensive paper with 12776 contributing authors, two years after beginning a research programme funded by the SRCSA.

“My team has worked exhaustively, collaborating with leading minds across human inhabited space, and utilising the cutting edge equipment and technology available to us in SRCSA labs, to produce this paper. To summarise our findings in layman’s terms, the results of our investigations thus far indicate that it may be possible to enhance the scope of frame shift technology significantly in the future, with a view to bringing the dream of travel between galactic clusters closer.”

SRCSA officials acknowledged that findings were promising, but noted that future development relies on a massive influx of sustained funding in order to produce tangible technology.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Zandu Science Journal | Interstellar Press

Breaking the Syndicate

Wolf 1301, long under the control of the Wolf 1301 Syndicate, has made serious strides in breaking the power of the drug cartel. The Syndicate, which made a fortune selling Wolf Fesh to black markets across the galaxy, was recently run out of Saunders’ Dive by the up and coming E.X.O. democratic independents.

Fesh is illegal under the new government, and E.X.O. security patrols have bust the drugs trade, beating back the Syndicate to one of the system’s outposts. Several arrests of high-ranking Syndicate members have already been made, and local observers are anticipating an imminent raid on the outpost to break the Syndicate’s power.

The E.X.O. government is hoping that the drugs trade will at last be eliminated, but social commentators are warning that the popularity of fesh may see the recipe for the synthetic psychotrope turn up again once the high profile campaign has ended.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Q1 Eridani Dispatch | Interstellar Press

Published in Wolf 1301.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The White Templars come out of the dark

The White Templars have decided to come out of the shadows. Their leader, the Grand Master Templar has decided to openly show the strength and compassion of the Templars to the universe. They have set up a home on the border of A. Lavigny-Duval to share their immense knowledge and skills with pilots who will uses them for good and to assist any who wish to learn the ways of the Templar Knight.
Already the name of this order has been resounding through space as they successfully opposed the pirate Lord Archon Delaine for many months. These Knight are committed to providing help to those that need it, but they are also known for not backing down when faced with anyone trying to take advantage of others. If you see these white ships there is nothing to fear, unless of course you are a pirate.

Commander Pierre916 
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

This has been a sponsored story for the White Templars.

Quarantine and Corruption

Charges of corruption were today pressed against Martin Sanders, senior vice president of the Witchhaul Corporation, as evidence of bribery and false claims has emerged.

Reports indicate that Mr. Sanders used company funds to make several significant donations to agricultural health and hygiene monitors, in return for which over twenty Kobe Beef ranches on the southern continent were placed under quarantine orders.

In response to the health scare, the Witchhaul Corporation then placated the market by announcing that it would be placing larger orders from northern ranches, to fill any shortfalls in distribution and maintain the galactic supply. New links have been discovered showing that Mr. Sanders had previously made significant investments in the ranches which benefitted from the crisis.

CEO Ava Ngobeni made a brief statement expressing her shock at Mr Sanders’ illicit activities, and said that the board of directors would meet to discuss an internal review as a matter of urgency.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Resettlement Aid from Pranav Antal

Given the recent increase in tensions between the Empire and Federation and the continuing Pegasi Sector War, resettlement authorities in Munshin have been reaching out to anyone interested in providing war refugees a home beyond the Empire's borders. One promising location is the recent Utopian acquisition, HIP 118213.

Aasha Singh, coordinator of relief efforts for Libertas Co-operative, praised the Utopian initiative, "They were here for us two months ago providing medicines and they are here for us now by providing a new home to those in need."

Some refugees are becoming Imperial citizens, a promised option from the now Emperor Arissa Lavingy-Duval. However, many thousands have started boarding transports headed for Antal systems to seek a life outside the centuries old binary conflict between the Empire and Federation.

CMDR Quade
Sentient Life Magazine | Interstellar Press

Published in Munshin and HIP 118213.

In Harmonia Progressio

After being displaced by the Pegasi War, fleeing Mushin refugees have finally begun settling in the Utopian commune of HIP 118213, aided by the local Guardians of Harmony movement.

In emotional scenes, the head of the Utopian relief effort Adjudicator Adric Claavis welcomed the settlers as the first transports docked at Lorenz Hub.

“It is with great pride we offer these unfortunate people a chance to begin again, to put behind them the horror and misery of the Pegasi War. However, I am concerned as Imperial forces launch Operation Hades against Federal targets and the Pegasi conflict becoming ever more protracted, this refugee crisis threatens to spiral out of control. Utopia and the wider galactic community must do more to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and prepare for mass migration as we enter a new period of political uncertainty.”

Commander Gan
Sentient Life Magazine | Interstellar Press

What's Going On Out There?

A small expedition to Sagittarius A* recently returned to civilized space with a startling tale.

“Something’s not right out there,” said Kyle Klasky, the expedition’s leader. He explained that his group had encountered several incidents during their trip that could not be easily explained away.

“We’ve all seen shipwrecks on our journeys,” he said, visibly concerned. “But we were finding them quite frequently on this trip. Not just single ships either, but several at a time. I suppose it could be pirates, but I find that difficult to believe.”

“We also noticed high-energy wake signatures near black holes on more than one occasion. Maybe they were from other explorers, but how many times does it have to happen before it stops being a coincidence?”

Critics are dismissing the testimony as being ridiculous exaggerations, but Klasky insists on its veracity, saying “Look, if you don’t believe me, go out there and see for yourself!”

Commander Driggers
Sagittarius A* Messenger | Interstellar Press

Published in Sagittarius A* and Quince.

Archon Delane Holds Firm Grip on Pegasi Sector

With the end of the most recent week in powerplay and the turmoil of systems in both Utopia and the Empire, it has become apparent that only Archon Delaine and the Kumo Crew have had the stability to avoid open rebellion.

With fear mounting amongst the rest of the galaxy that the Kumo Crew’s reach might expand even further, it is uncertain how the rest of the galactic superpowers will react to this news.

We reached out to one of our confidential sources within the Crew and asked them to relay their thoughts on the news. That member had only this to say:

“What Archon Delaine takes, he keeps.”

An official statement from the Empire has yet to be made in regard to their progress in the Pegasi Pirate War, but this is surely a chilling reminder of the strength of the Kumo Crew.

Commander Maxwell Stokes
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Monday, November 2, 2015

Libertas Co-operative seeks to close Munshin Black Market

Galleria Huneric, Community Organizer of Libertas Co-operative, issued a terse statement today from Co-operative offices aboard Orcinox's Orbiter regarding the presence of Black Markets in the Munshin system.

"As the duly appointed stewards of the Munshin system, The Libertas Co-operative seeks to carefully coordinate among all stakeholders for everyone's mutual benefit. I am saddened, therefore, by the actions of Munshin Allied PLC, our longtime partners. For weeks, negotiations have failed to bring about a satisfactory resolution to the issue of Black Markets functioning aboard our sister station, Sterney's Refuge. Munshin Allied PLC, victims of greed and avarice, have blatantly disregarded law and decency for a measly few credits. I am directing system security forces to interdict and capture any Allied PLC vessels."

Local reports indicate that all relations between Munshin Allied PLC and The Libertas Co-operative are officially closed. Allied PLC representatives have no comment for the press save that they will defend themselves with deadly force.

CMDR Quade
The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Published in Munshin.

Scientific progress is not earned through war

The interstellar STEM community has expressed their concern over Zachary Hudson's decision of engaging in preparations towards the annexing of Kaushpoos, the system selected for the construction of the Ocellus Exploration Station which will act as a beacon for explorers in the Pleiades Nebula.

The head engineer in charge of construction stated that Mr. Hudson has to respect the Universal Cartographic's decision to entrust this project to the engineers of the Alliance and that any hostilities towards the system will not only earn him no glory, but can only hinder the progress of this goal and mankind in general.

Galactic Science Weekly | Interstellar Press

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Blame Game

Shares in the cargo handling company Gapah-Morsk have fallen to record lows after recent problems in Gurragchaa Gateway disrupted local shipping.

At a crisis meeting with investors, executive director Trent Collins was quick to assign blame:

"I find it incredible how problems of this magnitude have been allowed to happen on such an important corporate asset. I have staff refusing to go to work because they think aliens have attacked! As far as I'm concerned, the only conspiracy here is the unions planting ridiculous stories to drum up trouble, and ill-disciplined staff bunking off work. If this disruption persists, the only alien threat they're going to see will be the legal kind from other systems taking over their jobs."

Commander Gan
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

Monday, October 26, 2015

Distant Thunder

In the depths of space a struggle for dominance has emerged between forces loyal to Archon Delaine and those of Sirius Corporation.

As the core systems become increasingly crowded and diplomatic friction grows, attention is turning to the new frontiers offered by Sothis and its neighbour, Ceos. Although isolated, these systems show great promise for future growth. Kumo commanders are understood to want Sothis as a smuggling hub, while Sirius wishes to consolidate its position with the two systems after recovering from recent financial problems.

Observers from other galactic powers will view these developments with concern, particularly in the nearby Utopian commune of Takurua and also those working to establish a new station in Merope. Speaking recently, notable exobiologist Jan Holtzman who is stationed at Takurua was despondent:

“These new worlds should bring us together in the joy of scientific discovery, not tear us apart with rivalry and war. Such acts will be our species undoing."

Commander Gan
Utopian News Network | Interstellar Press

Published in Polevnic and Gorringa

Roche Rentals Issues Ceti Sector Advisory

Roche Rentals issued a service advisory today regarding their availability guarantees in the wake of travel delays to the Empire.

A recent surge in one-way reservations to the Arjung system has left their fleet in a precarious position, as hubs are forced to work overtime to redistribute their fleet of long-range craft to normal levels.

"This is the first time since tourist delays associated with the Olympus Mons eruption of 2877 that we have needed to temporarily suspend our 24 hour rental availability. It is regrettable that our Hauler fleet has been spread so thin these past few days, but rest assured we are working as hard as we can to fulfill your reservations," said COO Sophie Han during a press conference at Roche Rentals' headquarters in Ekhi.

According to an anonymous source within the company, the company is preparing to file suit against the Imperial Slave Association regarding recent contractual disputes. When the Circular reached out for clarification, Han declined to comment on these reports.

CMDR Mira Alluvion
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fujin Tea Plantations Celebrate Bumper Crop

Plantation owners in the Fujin star system have reason to celebrate, as this year’s harvest has yielded a bumper crop of the indigenous herbs that are the primary ingredient in the famed Fujin tea. The proposed day’s festivities have been set aside however as the system’s deeply traditional Movement for Fujin Labour government have made it clear that it will be work as usual.

A small number of locals questioned the decision, and have recently begun speaking out against the rigid structure of Fujin society, protests which have thus far gone ignored. Protestors have threatened unspecified action if they continue to be dismissed, and policing has been increased around tea warehouses throughout the system in the event of sabotage.

Some Federation commentators have expressed suspicion about the working conditions amongst the lowest classes on the plantations, but the Federal government has maintained a strict policy of non-interference.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

A Fathers Voice

Utopia was united today as it celebrated the life and transcendence of its founder, SimGuru Rishi Antal.

As Antals primary sun rose above Antal AB1, millions of Utopians networked to experience a simulation of the first pilgrimage to the system, along with witnessing the founding of the Sim Archive there.

Upon his death forty years ago, Rishi became the first recorded neural pattern of the Archive, and in doing so became the master of ‘transcendental technology’.

In a moving speech, Rishis son and heir SimGuru Pranav Antal addressed the masses of networked citizens as the simulation drew to a close.

“My father founded Utopia to push back the chaos around us, and forge a greater future for humanity. Today we honour my father’s labours by experiencing his life, and rejoicing at the inception of our simulation technology. He, along with thousands of others dwell in the Archive with a voice that will never die, thier collective wisdom guiding our actions as we make our future become reality.”

Commander Gan
Sentient Life Magazine | Interstellar Press

Published in Polevnic.

What is the Shadow Navy?

Within the recesses of the Federation’s special forces community exists a rumor, spoken of in hushed tones and never truly substantiated, of a specialized task force operating on its own authority. Its official designation is unknown, but those who speak of it call it the Shadow Navy. 

The Federation Special Operations Division (FEDSOD) denies all knowledge of the unit, but the Shadow Navy’s existence was revealed during Operation Blossom, in which the group allegedly attempted to wrestle control of Liaedin away from the Empire and return control of the system to the Federation.

Since then, the Shadow Navy has faded from the limelight and out of the minds of many. However, there are those who believe that it not only still exists, but is an active participant in many clandestine and deniable unilateral actions against systems of strategic importance to the Federation.

Commander Driggers
Times of Mars | Interstellar Press

Into the Void

After the announcement by the Explorer's Association, Utopian deep space engineers are once more preparing to apply their expertise by aiding the construction of a new space station within the challenging environment of the Pleiades Nebula.

Drawing from experiences of the highly successful deep space commune of Takurua, Utopian engineers along with Sirius Inc explorers are readying a task force to aid in this new venture.

Utopian engineer Del Arris officially confirmed Utopias response in a later statement:

“Utopia and Sirius Inc have begun assembling teams of explorers, traders and engineers to assist in this task, and will shortly begin deployment.

Our experience with Foothold Orbital at Takurua, and activities on the fringes of inhabited space in Sothis will prove invaluable in dealing with the dangers and pitfalls of such a perilous undertaking. Together we will redefine the frontiers of knowledge, and challenge what is possible.”

Commander Gan
Sagittarius A* Messenger | Interstellar Press

Published in Antal and Takurua.

Former Imperial Slaves Strike It Lucky

The former Imperial slaves of Ngadandari were freed four months ago by decree of Princess Aisling Duval. After their contracts were bought out by the Princess, they were given the option to retain their former positions in the local mining industry and a paid wage. Those who remained have now struck it lucky again, as prospectors today located a previously unknown seam of Ngadandari fire opals.

The planet, which has been strip mined for almost two hundred years, was thought to be nearly exhausted, pushing up prices of the rare gems beloved by Imperial high society. The Princess has announced that every former Imperial slave still working in the mines will be given a share in the rich new vein, which is expected to yield profits high enough to set every individual up comfortably for life.

Imperial business commentators have warned stockholders to sell however, amidst fears that prices will plummet with the increased availability.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

Published in Ngadandari, Cubeo and Achenar.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pilot’s Federation Campaign to Tackle Drink-Flying

A tragic incident occurred yesterday when the pilot of a packed Orca passenger liner collided with a Lakon Type 9 Heavy coming out of the docking bay at Tarter Dock, Wuthielo Ku. All members of the passengers and crew were killed by the impact and decompression that followed. The Type 9 crew suffered non-critical injuries and no loss of life. Early reports indicate that the Orca pilot had been drinking the system’s infamous Wuthielo Ku Froth just two hours before lift-off.

In wake of incidents like this, and with several ancient Earth festivals fast approaching, the Pilot’s Federation has pledged to run an awareness campaign over the holiday season, warning pilots about the dangers of drink-flying. In a preliminary statement, the Pilot’s Federation advised; “Pilots should never fly while under the influence of alcohol or any drug that may adversely affect safety, and ideally should keep 24 hours between drinking and any planned flight. Our studies of fatal accidents between 3273 and 3300 show that in 14.7% of cases the pilot was above our recommended limit of 0.05% blood alcohol concentration.”

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Published in Shinrarta Dezhra and Wuthielo Ku.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pilots Call for Galaxy Wide Starship Lighting Enquiry

More than 220,000 pilots have signed a petition calling for an immediate inquiry into the lack of "anti-collision lights" on starships and the lack of emergency lighting on system authority ships.

Jenson Zanetti, chairman of the Pilot's Federation Safety Board stated: "Most pilots will, at some point in their careers, be struck by either an authority or private vessel they did not see, something which can be disastrous for all parties. If these proposals are implemented, we predict an order of magnitude decrease in the amount of fatal collisions in and around space stations."

The petition calls for all system authority vessels to be fitted with priority vehicle lighting equipment to assist pilots in visually identifying these important craft. The petition also calls for "anti-collision lights" to be fitted to all starships. According to the petition, these would come in the form of green lights on a ship's starboard side, red lights on their port sides, yellow lights on the bottom of their bows, white lights on the tops of their sterns and would include the lights flashing to signify the ship's direction of travel.

The petition concludes by stating that these lights only need to be operational within a station's no-fire zone and when the ship's main lights are active.

CMDR Devenish
Allied News Service | Interstellar Press

Published on GalNet News.

Pilot’s Federation Campaign to Tackle Drink-Flying

A tragic incident occurred yesterday when the pilot of a packed Orca passenger liner collided with a Lakon Type 9 Heavy coming out of the docking bay at Tarter Dock, Wuthielo Ku. All members of the passengers and crew were killed by the impact and decompression that followed. The Type 9 crew suffered non-critical injuries and no loss of life. Early reports indicate that the Orca pilot had been drinking the system’s infamous Wuthielo Ku Froth just two hours before lift-off.

In wake of incidents like this, and with several ancient Earth festivals fast approaching, the Pilot’s Federation has pledged to run an awareness campaign over the holiday season, warning pilots about the dangers of drink-flying. In a preliminary statement, the Pilot’s Federation advised; “Pilots should never fly while under the influence of alcohol or any drug that may adversely affect safety, and ideally should keep 24 hours between drinking and any planned flight. Our studies of fatal accidents between 3273 and 3300 show that in 14.7% of cases the pilot was above our recommended limit of 0.05% blood alcohol concentration.”

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Human Rights Group Decries Emperor Lavigny-Duval's Request

Operation Chainbreaker, a human rights activist group based in Sol, has issued a statement critical of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s request for slaves ahead of her coronation.

“Emperor Lavigny-Duval’s request for slaves as ‘gifts’ is a shameful display of hypocrisy,” the statement said. “At this moment, the Empire wages war to end slavery in the Pegasi Sector, while its new ruler seeks to proliferate it by offering incentives and rewards for slave traders who bring their human cargo to Achenar.”

The statement continues with a demand that Emperor Lavigny-Duval free all slaves received during the days leading up to her coronation, and that she take steps to abolish the practice of slavery in the Empire as a whole.

“It is the sincere hope of Operation Chainbreaker, and lovers of freedom and the right to self-determination everywhere, that the new Emperor brings an end to the institution of slavery in the Empire.”

Commander Driggers
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Published in Liaedin and Sol. 

Anti-Slavery Protests Erupt in Aisling Systems

Following the announcement that Arissa Lavingy-Duval will be accepting unregulated and Imperial slaves as coronation gifts, thousands of citizens have taken to the streets in Aisling Duval controlled systems.

Sporadic protests are reported in a half dozen systems and reports indicate many are individuals sporting blue dyed hair or wigs and shouting anti-slavery slogans. Officials speculate that many protesters are former slaves. The protesters have called on Aisling to publicly challenge the centuries-old practice but her representatives have so far remained silent.

Despite not being violent, tensions are running high among Aisling's supporters following her failure to ascend to the Imperial throne. Internal Security Forces moved quickly to end the protests requesting all citizens return to their daily activities.

Other reports indicate that there is similar dissension within other Imperial Powers. Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar, pledged to Senator Patreus, is quoted as saying; "As an abolitionist, I respectfully decline to participate in this gift-giving. I have already gifted our new Emperor with a stunning piece of art as a symbol of goodwill, and it's gifts like these - the demonstrations of our rich culture, and genius of art and science - that would make far better coronation tribute."

CMDR Quade
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Is Emperor's Dawn Operating in Federation Space?

The Federal Security Service recently addressed growing fears that Emperor’s Dawn may be attempting to flee into Federation systems to escape the Imperial Navy’s ongoing counterinsurgency operations.

“We are cooperating with our counterparts in the IISS, but we cannot say more than that,” an FSS spokesman said, emphasizing that measures were being taken to tighten security in systems near the border with the Empire. “If Emperor’s Dawn is using Federation systems as a staging ground for their operations, we will not stand for it.”

Stratis Information Group analyst Marcus Orrin believes that such a move by Emperor’s Dawn would significantly hinder the Imperial Navy’s efforts. “By forcing the Imperial Navy to coordinate with Federal authorities on future strikes, Emperor’s Dawn would buy itself time to regroup.”

“The Empire would also be in a very precarious political position, as any unilateral actions might be seen by the Federation as a violation of their sovereignty.”

Commander Driggers 
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Behind the Scenes at the Imperial Coronation

With the coronation of Arissa Lavigny-Duval imminent, members of the Imperial court are rushed off their feet with last minute preparations.

Baron Elias Lockwood, courtier and Master of Ceremonies, said: "Well, we were able to reuse some of the decorations from the Imperial wedding, and during the month of Senate debate we prepared the groundwork. But some things could only be decided by the Emperor, and food and flowers had to be ordered in fresh. Do you know how hard it is to prepare a coronation in a week? Just yesterday in rehearsal one of the lords in waiting tripped over the Imperial robes. And the IISS have been telling me what we can and can't do!"

The Imperial Internal Security Service stated: "Every aspect of the coronation has been examined for possible security threats. The safety of the Emperor is paramount."

The citizens of the Empire await the historic ceremony with bated breath.

Cmdr Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

A Credit To The Profession

Repair facilities have sparked outrage after adding a ten credit surcharge to station fees in protest over accusations of price fixing published by the Pilots Federation.

The contentious report found rampant overcharging among drydocks, and recommended a maximum price for repairs to be enforced.

Any attempt to pay the charge results in another being levied, and local councils have been flooded with messages from exasperated pilots demanding action. Pressure is now growing to avoid a repeat of earlier strikes that resulted in mass biowaste dumping and disruptive system blockades.

"If you want quality workmanship you have to pay for it" said an anonymous worker. "If repair costs are too much, fly something cheaper or stop ramming asteroids. Until this report is dropped, we will keep on charging."

Commander Gan
Allied News Network | Interstellar Press

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Elegance in Simplicity

Gutamaya Shipyards’ latest vessel out of the dock, the Imperial Eagle, is now available for purchase across the Empire for any pilot with rank in the Imperial Navy, and positive consumer feedback is already flooding in from commanders.

Cmdr Corrigendum, working in the Prism system, said: “The Imperial Eagle is a blast to fly; it handles beautifully and has looks to match. I was able to stick on the tail of an Imperial Courier during combat exercises. It’s a great addition to the Gutamaya portfolio.” Cmdr Stateira “Starcloak” Eleshenar added: “I love my Eagle, so I was curious to see if Gutamaya could improve upon Core Dynamics’ classic design. Now I’ve taken it out a few times I’m happy to say it retains all the sublime responsiveness of the Eagle, and packs a harder punch in combat to boot.”

When asked the secret to their success, Gutamaya Shipyards’ lead engineer, Ines Allende, responded: “Elegance in simplicity – we kept the core of the design that made the Eagle Mk II great and simply tinkered with a few key elements to produce perfection.”

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Published on GalNet News.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kathy’s Angels

BD+26 2184 recently played host to a memorial service for Kathy McBrayer, mother of Commander Sataris of the East India Company. Universal Cartography recently finalized the renaming of a world in the system in honor of Sataris’ mother. The commander was treated to a ride aboard an Orca, and was escorted to Kathy McBrayer by volunteer security forces.

Representatives from all over civilized space heeded Commander Sataris’ invitation from early September to join the memorial service. The procession of vessels offering support and condolences lasted several hours. One attendee described the sight of the vessels in supercruise as “Kathy’s Angels.”

“I would just want to thank everyone from the Pilots Federation who were able to journey to the memorial planet in BD+26 2184,” Commander Sataris stated gratefully. “I am deeply moved by the amount of support I have received.”

May she rest in peace, with a place among the stars.

Commander Corrigendum
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Published in Shinrarta Dezhra and BD+26 2184.

Prime Minister Mahon Holds Influence over 1000 Systems

The Office of Alliance Prime Minister, Edmund Mahon, announced earlier this week the signing of its thousandth trade agreement. This is a momentous achievement for supporters of the Prime Minister, and a testament to the hard work and dedication of independent pilots everywhere in the Alliance. The achievement is impressive given the Prime Minister's relatively small supporter base and the work of diligent advisors. It is important to remember that Mahon's space doesn’t have the reach of the combined borders of the Federation, and has far less than the Empire. It is a well-earned accomplishment for a single power.

The Office of Alliance Statistics issued a statement: "I'm glad of the fact that Mahon has been able to expand in an ethically positive and synergistic way. In all honesty, it is very impressive. I am glad that we have been able to expand our influence to so many people, but it is simply a milestone and we will continue to move forward."

It is evidence that the Alliance should be counted among galactic major powers and a pointed reminder that they intend to maintain their autonomy.

Commander NOIR1787 
Alioth Guardian | Interstellar Press

Published on GalNet News.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Older Nanites at Risk from Hackers

A slew of reports have come in over the past week from thousands of people with Alacarakmo skin art that the images created no longer respond to their programming devices, and in some cases produce offensive images and text that is completely out of their control. This has led to embarrassing incidents and Congressman Urqu Flores was yesterday forced to yield the floor during the middle of a debate when his tattoo began reading obscenities directed towards leading Federation politicians.

Responding to complaints, Body DĂ©cor company executives announced that they were investigating the matter, and this morning released a statement: “In all cases, the consumer had acquired our product over fifty years ago. Rigorous testing revealed that this dated code has become vulnerable to hackers. We are working as fast as possible to implement new security protocols and transmit them to the older nanites. The Body DĂ©cor company would like to apologise for any distress caused to our customers.”

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Allied News Service | Interstellar Press

Friday, October 9, 2015

Mahon Administration under pressure?

Alliance economic expansion has finally shown signs of slowing down. After the highly speculative investment in the systems of Hooriayan, Wolf 412 and MCC 684, these systems enjoy many new business opportunities. However, doubt about the soundness of the investment remains.

Yet there are silver linings for Edmund Mahon: The previously frosty relationship with key Imperial senators has thawed, with the Senate even dispatching a taskforce for joint strategic operations. Asked to comment on this recent change in Imperial policy, a spokesperson of the "Protectores Zemina Nostri" said:

"Within the Empire, Zemina Torval has always promoted the value of tradition, stability and peace. In the past, the Alliance was recognized as a threat due to border disputes. This stance was recently reevaluated by our strategists. Even if Mahon's academic vision depends on a vastly different societal model, he shares Senator Torval's goal in building lasting and functional societies.

"Where military competition is a wasteful way to resolve disputes, economic competition increases prosperity for both."

Commanders Gran Solo and Jemy Murphy
Allied News Service | Interstellar Press

An Unwilling Slave

Federal investigators were shocked yesterday when they broke into the apartment of Specialist Engineer Lei Lan on Mars High. Ms Lei’s family had informed the authorities after she had not contacted them for her weekly holo-call three weeks in a row, and the Federal Security Service were called in when Ms Lei’s employment record revealed that she had recently been part of the team working under Sean Richards investigating the disappearance of Starship One.

A body was found on the site, and the Federal Security Service have released a brief statement: “The body of a female in her thirties was discovered at the property, and removed after official recording. Preliminary forensics indicate that the individual was subjected to an invasive Pavonis ear grub, concealed beneath the hair at the back of the skull. We cannot yet confirm the identity of the individual.”

Pavonis ear grubs are infamous for their ability to burrow into flesh and parasitise higher brain functions, occasionally used by the slave traders that plague the Federation fringe systems.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

M. Gorbachev Impound Hangar Theft

Station officials at M. Gorbachev were left red-faced today when the quarterly review of station operations was published, revealing that three vessels were stolen from the spaceport’s impound hangar sixteen weeks ago.

Head of Station Security Summer Takahashi stated; “We believe the culprits smuggled themselves in the cargo hold of a ship that had been impounded. They overpowered the team at the entrance post and hacked into the security systems. The vessels were then flown through access shafts into the main docking bay, and out the station entry slot, evading security forces long enough to make frame shift jumps.” She added; “The ships left Sol on different escape vectors, and their wakes were lost in the next systems, making it impossible to know where they all ended up."

Amidst accusations of negligence from angry pilots, station officials said that security protocols had been since revised following the isolated incident and that ship owners’ vessels are in safe hands at M. Gorbachev.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Tenim Neseva Confirmed as High Commissioner

After months of blocked votes and parliamentary conflict, the Federal Congress has confirmed the appointment of Tenim Neseva to the post of High Commissioner of the Federation Foreign Service.

Congresswoman Lainey Presamaco led an eighteen-hour-long filibuster to delay the confirmation vote, attempting to persuade her Republican counterparts to rethink their position. Republicans remained undeterred and, after overriding the filibuster, pushed Neseva’s appointment through with a straight-line vote.

Congressional majority leader Robert Emersson was pleased with the final outcome, saying “Tenim Neseva has been a diligent steward of the Federation’s foreign affairs for many years now, and I am confident that he will tend to his responsibilities with the tact and discretion befitting the office.”

Neseva will be sworn into office next week, thus assuming the responsibility of determining the Foreign Service’s long-term diplomatic goals and overseeing the operations of hundreds of diplomatic missions across the Federation.

Commander Driggers
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Sol.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Outer Limits

One team of explorers is challenging the loner stereotype. There is something awe inspiring about watching multiple explorers form a co-ordinated jump to hyper space and then see them reappear at the final destination. It is a far cry from that special commander who knows they are on their own fighting the heat damage if they happen to drop next to an unexpectedly large star.

The First Great Expedition is organized by several commanders who have created a community of family and friends. They can help new explorers just setting off into the dark, and plan new group goals such as the current Sagittarius-Carina expedition. Over 30 commanders are involved in that particular adventure, and one month in it shows no sign of letting up.

A simple search of any database for "The First Great Expedition" will direct an explorer to a place where they can communicate with the commanders of this great undertaking and become part of the story. In their own words they have strived from the outset to "provide cohesion, cooperation and a shared sense of purpose." Rumor is that they've achieved just that.

Commander Mikalus
Interstellar Press | Sagittarius A* Messenger

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tightened Security

In direct response to recent events following Emperor Hengist Duval’s shocking assassination and allegations of Emperor’s Dawn agents amidst the highest circles of power, leading figures in the Empire have tightened their security.

Princess Aisling Duval recently conducted investigations into the background of her foremost supporters, and others have been prompted to do the same. Rumour has it that several prominent senators have bolstered and re-equipped their personal bodyguards, or undertaken closer scrutiny of their coterie.

Commentators are expecting the Senate to make the succession announcement the Empire has been awaiting with bated breath, and for a coronation to be planned with strict levels of protection and safety measures in light of security failures at the Imperial wedding, though it is not yet known if a limit will be placed on the number of spectators.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

Saavedra Virus Eradicated

The Friends of Kui Hsien today announced that the last patient in quarantine has recovered from the Saavedra Virus. The entire populace of the system has now been vaccinated, and the virus has been declared eradicated.

Three months ago the Friends of Kui Hsien were forced to declare a quarantine of Saavedra Dock as the virus broke out. It caused mental impairment and affected fine motor control, posing a particular danger to pilots. Despite their best efforts, it escaped quarantine and spread across the system, causing mass panic. In addition, incursions from the Santupik Blue Ring gang hit refugee convoys attempting to reach designated medical supply Type 9s scattered throughout the system.

Senator Patreus took action to deploy peacekeeping forces to the system, and the Ducal Argent Hospital on Eotienses A 3 dedicated its efforts to developing a vaccine. Emma Mueller, chairwoman of the Friends of Kui Hsien cooperative council, today praised the collaborative efforts of doctors across the two systems, as well as a fund-raising effort in Eotienses that has paid for a new medical wing at Saavedra Dock.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Published in Kui Hsien.

The Fight For HIP 106072

Another system has fallen to Archon. Within the last week Imperial and Kumo Crew commanders faced off in a battle that incurred staggering losses for both fleets, and the decimation of Hip 106072. For some time the Empire had been tracking undisclosed packages dropped off by those loyal to Delaine. Then it all came to a head.

As with all war, it was difficult to track the ebb and flow of battle as it unfolded. News reports were unclear. For weeks Archon's expansions had been stymied and blocked. Rumor had it that some of the Crew were becoming discontent, so at the back of everyone's mind was the question of the day: would losing HIP be the straw to break the camel's back?

As the fog of war cleared what remained was a system devoid of the millions who fled, yet somehow standing. It had a new master. Archon claimed another scalp and the Imperial Command shouldered the responsibility of yet another system succumbing to piracy.

Commander Mikalus
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Face of the Pegasi War Helps Refugees

Aasha Singh, rescued Imperial Slave and the face of the Pegasi Pirate War, was spotted recently at Orcinox's Orbiter assisting authorities with the resettlement of refugees. A line of people stood ahead of the table where Aasha's blue wig peaked out from beneath a traditional freedmen's Pileus cap.

When asked about why she shaved her head Aasha replied that it is a local Munshin tradition for a freed slave to shave her head and wear a soft cap: a tradition that experts say dates to ancient times on Earth. "I think this is part of any Imperial citizen's calling," said Aasha, "but my experience at the hands of the Crew gives me a valuable perspective on the lives these people are leaving behind." The interview was cut short by Aasha's insistence she return to work.

Though the war rages on, brave men and women can look to heroes like Aasha Singh as an example of Imperial fortitude.

Commander Quade
Capitol Harold | Interstellar Press

Published in Munshin.

Survival Of The Fittest

When living on the frontier of human space there are but two rules. The first: it's only yours if you can hold onto it. The second: if you found it, run fast.

Hip 108822 is a small mining colony, formerly known for absolutely nothing, and cared about by none. Now, known about by all of the Kumo Crew as they enforce the first rule there. The once-poor citizens of Hip 108822 thank Archon for the wealth they now produce - and keep.

The strength of this pirate band keeps at bay independent commanders who would otherwise steal the rare metals mined in Hip. It also acts as a staging ground for Delaine's further expansions along the frontier. In galactic terms it's a win-win situation rarely seen with the Kumo Crew.

When the reach of the Empire falls short to protect them, there is solace found in those whose reach can, regardless of their background or morality.

The strong survive, the weak perish. Such is life on the frontier.

Commander Mikalus
Interstellar Press | The Privateer

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What's happening in Takurua?

In the past few weeks, political analysts have expressed confusion at traffic reports coming in from the Sirius Corporation terraforming base Foothold Station in the backwater system of Takurua, home to Utopia's much-publicised deep space commune. Reports indicate that the number of Utopia dissidents being removed from the system for processing far exceeds the 100,000 Sirius Corp terraforming personnel currently stationed at Foothold. We caught up with Utopia futurologist and project lead Dr Saeed McNamara at Foothold Station for comment.

"There's nothing unusual about it." he told our reporter, "We help thousands of Utopia citizens make the pilgrimage here every week so they can experience the unique qualities of extreme isolation, much like the monasteries of the ancient past. We also put them through tests to test their suitability for a special self-improvement initiative we're developing. We're looking for the best and brightest, so most are simply reassigned after a couple of weeks of meditation and testing."

"I don't like the term 'dissident'", he added "It implies they're good for nothing, when really there's a special place for everyone in Utopia, and we don't give up until we've found the place where everyone can flourish."

Dr McNamara declined to comment on the nature of the "self-improvement" program, stating only that if successful, it would be a huge step forward for all mankind.

Commander Jendrassik
Q1 Eridani Dispatch | Interstellar Press

Published in Takurua.

Unscheduled Stops and Deleted Records

Serf Altmann, former junior engineer aboard the Imperial Freedom, says she's not surprised by the recent statement from Senator Patreus' Office, having come forwards with some extraordinary claims.

"I was serving aboard in November last year when the Senator was making a tour of the systems he patronises, when we made an unscheduled stop at Topaz. The reason given was repairs needed to the reactor core, but I'm telling you I looked it over half a dozen times and there was nothing wrong with it. We never got any repair crews sent over from the station either! The Senator debarked on the planet and didn't come back till a week later. When we got back to Eotienses I did some digging in the records to see if I could find out what the problem was... but there was no mention of our ever having stopped at Topaz."

When asked why records of such an event might have been deleted as she claims, Serf Altmann added: "Well... I don't rightly know, but I was on the docking bay crew when his Courier returned and I could swear the Senator had a ring on his finger when he got back... although I only caught a glimpse from a distance."

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Star Express | Interstellar Press

Forgotten Corners of the Galaxy - Aditi

Some 200 ly south of inhabited space lies the star system of Aditi, another of the Empire’s far-flung colonies. Some 15 million people are resident in the system, under the auspices of the Aditi Empire League.

With four metal-rich worlds and an almost pristine metal rich ring in-system, Aditi attracts plenty of enterprising miners looking to make their fortunes, and the large spacedock of SJML Central orbiting Morrow Peek caters to any refinery needs.

The terraformed planet of Peylow provides on the ground living, and has several interesting features. Days are a short 14.4 hours long, although one year is equivalent to roughly 6.75 Earth years. With oxygen content of 3.7% you might expect to be left breathless, but this is magnified by the 5.23 atmospheres of surface pressure. With water vapour making up 0.3%, and an average temperature of 46°C, Peylow is hot and humid. Settlements avoid the equator and cluster around the more temperate regions of the planet, with a dominant agricultural economy that is service by the PEW-1901 station in orbit.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Sentient Life | Interstellar Press

Remembering the Eravate Rebellion of 3298

October 5th will mark the third anniversary of the Eravate Rebellion, the bloodiest conflict in the system’s history. 

The two-week-long standoff began when insurgent forces, financed by rival interests to the Eravate Network corporation, seized Ackerman Market and positioned an improvised orbital weapon - a small asteroid - over Chantilly, a city on the surface of Eravate Five. 

The insurgents demanded the resignation of Eravate Network’s Board of Directors and for the Federal Security Service to relinquish control of Cleve Hub and Russell Ring.

Negotiations were conducted, but ultimately failed when the insurgency’s leader, Ramone Osalla, executed the Federal negotiator in cold blood just before giving the order to destroy Chantilly.

A counter-assault on Ackerman Market soon followed, with the Federal Navy successfully driving Osalla’s forces from the station, but at the cost of many innocent lives. 

Memorials will be held throughout the month in remembrance of those lost in the conflict.

Commander Driggers
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Eravate.

Sidewinder Trust CFO arrested

After months of investigation, Interstellar Criminal Police Organization agents today arrested Anthony Ergot, CFO of Faulcon DeLacy's non profit "Sidewinder Trust".

A popular non-profit organization that seeks to provide affordable frameshift-capable starships to small business owners, the Sidewinder Trust has been crucial to many a pilot's career. The trust provides microcredits to Pilot Federation Members that are automatically repaid. Pilots would often not even notice they paid interest.

Sources close to Alliance Commissioner for Competition Graeme Argent claim that Mr. Ergot siphoned a substantial amount of money via the automatic interest deduction process that is part of every Sidewinder ship computer. With data migrating to other ships, these deductions continued long after the credit would have been repaid.

It is also possible that some pilots may not have paid any interest at all, with or without their knowledge. A possible distortion of competition is still under investigation by Mr. Argent's office.
According to recent polls, Faulcon-DeLacy remains one of the most popular shipbuilders for entry-level to high-end space craft. Critics point out that the Sidewinder Trust likely contributed significantly to their brand recognition.

Thomas Grantham-Solo
Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Corruption investigation locks down Federal Congress

The Federal Congress has been placed under lockdown due to an ongoing investigation into corruption allegations stemming from the misappropriation of funds from government subsidies.

In a press briefing, House Speaker Anthony Squire revealed that several Congressmen had been implicated in a scheme to funnel government endowments into a private hedge fund. Squire refused to give the names of the representatives involved, but assured the public that the government will continue to function for the duration of the investigation.

“Congress will continue to serve the people of the Federation, even as we root out the corruption in these hallowed halls,” said Squire.

The Federal Security Service has stated that it has imposed travel restrictions on members of Congress, including staffers and lobbyists, until it concludes its investigations.

The lockdown comes in the midst of heated debate over Federal Navy acquisitions, tax breaks to certain consumer goods and combat bond compensation reform.

Commander Sitoutumaton
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Public Opinion on Imperial Succession Debate

Whilst the Senate continues to debate the issue of succession to the Imperial throne, the Imperial public too have taken a great interest in the candidates. Though they have no direct say in deciding the next Emperor, Imperial citizens are vocal in extolling the merits of the various contenders.

Carpe Diem, the Empire’s biggest opinion pollster, this past week conducted a survey of a random sample of the populace. Results suggested that the two princesses are leading the race, revealing a noticeable although not definitive age gap in support, with the younger generation more willing to consider Princess Aisling Duval’s reformist policies favourably. In addition, Senator Patreus has seen an increase in support as public approval responds to his swift action against terrorist group Emperor’s Dawn, but Senator Torval and Chancellor Blaine also remain in the running, enjoying particular popularity amongst their system residents.

Sothar Vithu, 151, Achenar’s oldest resident and former Senator of Avalon, said: “I’ll be seeing in my third Emperor when the month is up. Whoever it is, they’ll need to adapt to the demands of a changing Empire, and be as sharp a strategist as I ever saw in order to keep the Empire prosperous and strong.” When asked if he had any pearls of wisdom for the candidates, he added: “Yes. There’s only two real contenders in this race: the one people feel they’re supposed to support, and the one they want to support. You must choose which one you will be.”

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Friday, September 25, 2015

Forgotten Corners of the Galaxy - Fehu

300 ly south of inhabited space is the remote Imperial star system of Fehu, governed by the Fehu Citizens of Tradition. The star system is home to several big name media corporations including DK and Son Holographics, but also attracts exobiologists to two of the gas giants; one supporting ammonia-based life, the other water-based life.

The terraformed planet of Likopo is home to most of the system’s 3 million inhabitants, with only 8.7% oxygen but over double the atmospheres ensuring a human-breathable environment. Days are over twice as long, but years are five and a half weeks shorter. The planet enjoys a rather warm average temperature of 30°C, and tourists are advised to take necessary precautions to avoid heat stroke, especially around the equatorial regions.

Frigschneck’s Resort station plays host to the comings and goings of tourists, but the station’s economy largely operates in concert with the agriculture of the planet below, processing and transporting foodstuffs to other star systems. Thompson-Keen Asylum, set up in orbit of the rocky moon of Doolhof, runs an efficient refinery operation to process the ores extracted by freelance miners, most of whom work on the metal-rich Fehu 1 and 2.

With a growing economy and populace, Fehu is proving a popular location for Imperial companies to relocate and invest.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Sentient Life | Interstellar Press

Federation Defense Contractor Allegedly Supplying Kumo Crew

Phantom Black, a hacker-activist group, has released documents that allegedly implicates a Federation-aligned, government-subsidized defense contractor in providing material support to the Kumo Crew.

The group released the financial records of Arborgate Logistics, a corporation well-known for its involvement in supplying weapons, vehicles, and other military hardware to various system defense fleets and private security firms.

The records released by Phantom Black show that Arborgate used funds from government subsidies to purchase surplus ships, components, weapons, ammunition and armor without a clear reason given for the purchases. These supplies were later transferred to numerous systems in the Pegasi sector, many of which fall under the direct control of the Kumo Crew.

Requests for comment by the press were ignored by Arborgate, but a spokesperson for the the Federal Security Service has said that they are in the process of conducting an internal investigation into the matter.

Commander Driggers
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

The White Templars resisting Archon Delaine

A group known as the White Templars have reportedly been assisting the resistance forces in OR Delphini, a system Archon Delaine has attempted to expand his influence into.

“Operation Tsunami was mobilized to answer the request of local government and law enforcement in OR Delphini, and consisted of seven wings working in a coordinated effort to shut down Kumo Crew activity in the system,” a White Templar spokesperson said, refusing to give his name. “We suffered no losses during the operation and faced little resistance.”

While it is unclear what the exact number of losses were for the Kumo Crew forces, the Templars believe they delivered a heavy blow to the pirate band.

“This demonstrates that when innocent groups call out for help to resist oppression, help will come. Let us hope this war soon comes to an end, so peace and prosperity can yet again return to these systems.”

Commander Pierre916 
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Eotienses Citizens Petition Universal Cartographics

This morning the citizens of Eotienses presented a petition, which has for the past ten days been gaining in support and popularity in the star system, to Cynthia Sideris, chairwoman of Universal Cartographics, and to the Office of Imperial Records. The petition requests that the twinned planets of Eotienses A 3 and A 4 – the former the system’s only habitable world, the latter in the process of ongoing terraforming – be renamed “Opal” and “Lazuli” respectively.

One signatory, who accompanied the presentation of the petition, stated: “Universal Cartographics may have the planets listed as Eotienses A 3 and A 4, but locals have known them as Opal and Lazuli for decades. It was common even in my grandparents’ day. It is our request that Universal Cartographics look favourably on our petition and formalise the native appellations into the official records.”

Chairwoman Sideris responded that the petition would be looked at in due course and given all consideration.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Sentient Life | Interstellar Press

The Code relaunches "Operation Robin Hood"

The piracy organization known as “The Code” launched another rendition of "Operation Robin Hood" in the Eravate region yesterday. The operation has attracted Galactic attention, drawing bounty hunters in pursuit of the pirates’ bounties.

CMDR DigitalMandalorian the Quartermaster of The Code provided this statement:

"Rumor is that older and wealthier members of the Pilot's Federation have taken an interest in taking their A-Class Anacondas, Pythons, and luxury-liner Orcas to the LHS 3447 region, to taunt the newer and poorer members. We decided to make a visit to the parts of the galaxy where these fat-cats make their credits and we... humbled them. We will distribute 100% of our piracy income in the form of Gold, Palladium, Imperial Slaves, Rare Goods, and other highly sought after commodities to the new members of the Pilot's Federation over the next few days. New pilots, it may be your lucky day. Just make sure you have cargo space." 

To judge the merits of the operation we spoke to Alana Patel, a worker aboard Russell Ring, an Orbis Starport located in Eravate.

"Operation Robin Hood? Yeah, I've heard of it. I heard a loud bang while taking inventory yesterday; apparently a newer pilot was having trouble docking his Sidewinder and accidentally released all the cargo from his ship. Two tons of stolen Palladium came crashing down on landing pad 19. These newer pilots may be richer but that won't make them any smarter."

Commander DigitalMandalorian
The Privateer | Interstellar Press<

Published in Eravate. 

Voting for a Change in Gyvatiges

Citizens of Gyvatiges are called to the ballots this week to decide the fate of the system. The communistic Gyvatiges Citizen Party is currently in charge, but are they ready to share power with Federation-aligned Union of Gyvatiges Green Party?

Green Party leader Sef Jillson’s political ad sends a clear message at Patsayev Enterprise : "The Citizen Party has done well in the past, but today our efforts alone aren’t enough to secure our homes. That’s why we should look towards the Federation.”

The Citizen Party’s leader Logan Stewart remains confident despite polls predicting his party's defeat in the elections: “Gyvatiges is safe as long as it stays out of galactic politics. We’ll see what the voters think of sharing our wealth with the Federation if Jillson gets his term in office.”

The barrel of a gun is a method used all too often across the galaxy to enact change in who controls a system's stations, but not in Gyvatiges. The future might be uncertain here, but at least it comes from the ballot box.

Commander Sitoutumaton
Regulus Observer | Interstellar Press

Published in Gyvatiges

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Forgotten Corners of the Galaxy - LTT 9846

Some 50 ly distant from the nearest inhabited system the LTT 9846 Boys criminal gang rule over a population of 65000 with an iron fist. Originally the site of a crashed prison transport vessel some 450 years ago, hence the name of the station; Geoffrey’s Crash, the 300 original inhabitants consisted of prisoners, guards, and the ship’s crew, who managed to survive long enough to establish a small settlement and the rights to the system’s mineral wealth. From the profits of mining the burgeoning community was able to purchase the technology to terraform the first planet.

Magna, as the planet was named, has a growing industrial economy, supported by the space station. Days are 19.2 hours long and years just under twice that of an Earth year. Surface temperature is a warm 30°C, with 4.6% oxygen but 5.45 atmospheres, making the percentage of oxygen feel much higher.

Other factions have gained a small foothold over the centuries, with a local corporation, feudal system, and co-operative attempting to gain control respectively, but the criminal gang remains strong, partly through historic tradition channelling new generations into the gang family, but partly due to the fact that slavery is a widespread practise here. It is estimated that about two thirds of the population, just over 40000 people, are in chains, their unpaid labour fuelling the LTT 9846 Boys’ attempt to expand their influence into the fringes of the inhabited cluster.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Sentient Life | Interstellar Press

Monday, September 21, 2015

Imperial Commanders Call for Civil Discussion during Succession Debate

As the month of debate in the Senate regarding the Imperial succession continues, the Imperial citizenry have been discussing the merits of the various candidates and speculating on who will ascend the marble steps. For the most part these discussions have been friendly, and it is widely acknowledged that this month represents a window of opportunity for all candidates and their supporters to make their case. However, in certain parts trouble has flared up as discussions become heated.

Imperial commanders are calling on their fellows to keep the conversation civil, with Cmdr Corrigendum pledged to Arissa Lavigny stating: "If our future Emperor benevolently strives to protect and provide for all Imperial citizens, be they the lowliest Imperial Slave or the most opulently arrayed Patron, I couldn't care less what his or her background is. Should the future Emperor preside over the people in this manner, honoring the founding principles of the Empire, our prosperous continuance will be assured."

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar pledged to Denton Patreus added: "Once it's done, it's done. Now is the chance for all candidates and their supporters to freely and openly promote their cause, without opprobrium for doing so. I call on my fellows not to let the debate descend into petty squabbling."

The Senate discussion will end in just under three weeks time.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Federal Forces Hold the Line at Nurundere

Supporters of President Zachary Hudson declared victory in Nurundere this week, weathering stiff opposition from resistance forces. The system had been the focus of an Empire-backed counteroffensive - codenamed Operation Janus - which failed to prevent Federation loyalists from taking the system.

Citizens of Gubarev Port were observed chanting pro-Hudson slogans & waving Federation flags in the station docking bay, celebrating the return of pilots from the combat zones as hostilities closed.

The victory came hot on the heels of news that Hudson-pledged systems targeted by Operation Janus had also successfully repelled attacks.

“Don’t get cocky,” Jack Kerner, a Federation privateer, said to a group of his fellow pilots, “We won a decisive victory here today, but don’t assume for a split-second that it’s always going to be like this.”

Commander Driggers
Times of Mars | Interstellar Press