Sunday, February 28, 2016


Last night in Polevnic social engineers aboard Tanner Settlement debated the controversial future of Antal, birthplace of Utopia.

Home to the Sim Library, Antal has become a pilgrimage for millions of Utopians, as well as attracting engineers, scientists and philosophers to its many facilities. However, as Utopia expands, increasing commercial pressures threaten the delicate balance maintained in this tranquil system.

In a radical plan, Administrator Lucien Nestor proposed making Antal a secluded hermitage beyond galactic affairs.

“Antal is Utopias beginning, the keystone of Paradise forged by the SimGuru and his father. It must remain a system of solace and reflection, a refuge free from distractions and interruption. As Utopia grows we must do all we can to protect this balance, and this can only be achieved through its separation from all outside influences, including Utopia itself."

As the debate ended the plans were submitted to the Simguru, where they await his thoughts.

Commander Gan
Utopian News Network | Interstellar Press

Published in Polevnic and Antal.

Breaking the Cycle

Optimism has turned to dismay as slave trading resumed in the Uibuth system at Flemming Station and J.G Ballard Colony days after it was declared emancipated by Aisling Duval.

"It has changed nothing," stated leading humanist Luc Augustin writing for Sentient Life Magazine. "Although the intentions were good, this action has simply supercharged the slave trade there rather than stop it."

He continued: "Giving money to slavers would only ever encourage more slavery. If we really want to abolish this vile trade in Uibuth we must support abolitionists governments like the Ubuth Unionist Party and remove regimes that support slavery directly. It may not be glamorous or lucrative but it is the only way to end this barbaric practice in Uibuth and promote true freedom for these unfortunate people."

Commander Gan
Sentient Life Magazine | Interstellar Press

Published in Uibuth, Cubeo and Polevnic.

Data Analysis Reveals Administrative Flaws

Recent studies of major powers have revealed critical errors, according latest data analysis experts Lux Analysis Group. Data Technician Rose Draper, who led the study of galactic power activity over the past nine months, explained the think tank’s findings:

“We’re seeing a lot of illogical activities going on in the major powers. Redistribution and administration seem to be particular problem areas, with contracts, aid packages, and supplies going astray to systems with no value, or worse, that are actually a drain on resources. We believe that the majority of this activity is being caused by inferior communications and substandard bureaucracy across the board. Our advice to major powers is to implement an optimised administration in order to avoid wastage of supplies and miscommunication with potential member systems.”

One system administrator, who wished to remain anonymous, stated: "Every week we're getting overwhelming surpluses here, whilst headquarters acquires other systems into the network that are a huge drain on resources. This is costing us badly. I wish someone in charge would do something and rein in the overzealous enthusiasm of some independently contracted pilots."

Cmdr Stateira Eleshenar
Q1 Eridani Dispatch | Interstellar Press

Uibuth Emancipation Program Fuels Slave Trade

Aisling Duval’s emancipation effort has received strong criticism after it was revealed over seven million slaves were purchased directly from slavers who earnt over 120,715,155,000 CR in the systems surrounding Uibuth.

These payments were fueled from the coffers of Imperial Princess Aisling Duval via independent traders engaged to execute her acquisition program. This follows reports that slaves who were not acquired from legal slave markets were turned away.

One commander who refused to take part in the program said "I can’t see how funding slavers is going to stop the slave trade, unless Aisling's expecting them to retire now that they are wealthy. The Princess needs to take direct action!"

At the time of writing, trade in Imperial Slaves remains legal in Uibuth and wars have broken out between several local factions.

Commander Dissident Smith
Liaedin Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Published on GalNet

Monday, February 22, 2016

Black Knight

Shareholders in SiriusGov were bullish today after decisive action averted an unwanted merger between SiriusGov and another Sirius Corporation subsidiary, Sirius Inc, in the San system.

Recent analytics carried out by SiriusGov indicated an enormous spike in activity regarding the acquisition of San, with further investigation revealing the contracts to be forgeries.

Drawing on the tremendous synergy between Sirius Inc and Utopia, officials in Lembava authorized a joint deployment into San to disrupt the logistics chain involved in the rogue acquisition. Without this rapid intervention the merger would have spelt trouble for investor confidence in the area.

Utopian officials have not commented on the operation, but sources reveal that they are satisfied with its outcome.

Commander Gan
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

Forever Free

People across Utopia rejoiced today as the first group of indentured slaves in Kenna and its surrounding systems were granted full Utopian citizenship aboard Mozhaysky Gateway. 

Earlier Kenna was the scene of bitter fighting as forces loyal to Simguru Pranav Antal battled Senator Denton Patreus for control of the system. 

Under Utopian law all forms of slavery are forbidden, with those found smuggling or owning slaves subject to large fines and ethical realignment therapy on Polevnic. 

"I can have a normal life again," beamed one liberated slave. "I was forced to serve for ten years after my father defaulted on a debt. Now I am free to live my life without fear and look forward to a better future."

Commander Gan
Utopian News Network | Interstellar Press

Published in Polevnic and Kenna.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mastopolos acquires R&D leader Cordenet Group

Mastopolos Mining, one of the largest imperial galactic mining conglomerates, has taken a controlling stake in the Cordenet Group, a leading corporation in the research and development of advanced robotics. 

The Sorbago-based giant recently acquired similar assets in a number of local systems, and the conglomerate is expected to continue diversifying its portfolio in the coming months. As a reminder, the majority shareholder of Mastopolos Mining is Senator Zemina Torval, from the Synteini system.

According to Teresa Smith, market analyst for the Achenar Times: "Senator Torval is unconcerned about Cubeo politics, but a talented businesswomen such as herself always accounts for the unexpected. This is certainly a calculated risk."

Investors and commentators are speculating that this is another sign of the market looking to a future where imperial servitude, once an accepted cornerstone of life in the Empire, may some day be replaced by an automated labour force.

Commander John Adams
Zaonce Market Circular | Interstellar Press

Published in Synteini, Achenar and Cordenet.

Latest News from Senatorial Fleet

Commander Rubberboots this week spotted a glitch in star system data records. A team of data analysts worked overnight to address the problem and have reported success in fixing the issue, allowing garrison supply vessels to be directed with greater precision and strategic specialists to provide the latest data to HQ.

Detachments of the Fleet, accompanied by starfighter squadrons, have been deployed to Kenna to ensure that Imperial citizens’ interests continue to be represented under the Senator’s beneficent auspices.

Significant portions of the Fleet have seen action in Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch’i Lin, against the last stand of right-wing terrorist group Emperor’s Dawn. Senator Patreus has authorised the contracting of independent pilots in addition to Fleet deployment, in order to discharge the duty assigned by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Pilot watering hole The Generator and Accelerator on Parkinson Dock has seen rumours fly over recent events at Obsidian Orbital, with everything from Thargoids to escaped artificial intelligence being blamed. Aide de camps have issued instructions for calm and cohesiveness.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
The Eotienses Chronicle | Interstellar Press

Monday, February 1, 2016

Rumours Sweep Pilot Hotspots

The recent appearance at Obsidian Orbital of an unknown craft, which scanned the station before departing at high speed have prompted a tide of discussion and rumour across inhabited space. At the Thargoid and Fer de Lance in Barnard’s Star, one veteran pilot gave a five hour oration to a mixed crowd of the bemused and confused:

“Thargoids! It’s Thargoids I tell ya! They never gave up after I escaped their clutches in 3249 and now they’re here for revenge…”

117.78 ly away at The Generator and Accelerator in Eotienses, local pilots have a different idea:

“Word has been going around that it’s the banned AIs coming back. Think about it – the Unknown Artefacts use Morse code. If they’re not from us they gotta be from something we created.”

Interstellar authorities have not yet commented on the incident at Obsidian Orbital, in what is widely interpreted to be an effort to maintain calm until further information can be obtained.

CMDR Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Zandu Science Journal | Interstellar Press

Stranded Pilot Rescued by Survey Team

A stranded pilot was rescued today after a Universal Cartographics survey team arrived in the unexplored star system, some 1000 ly from Sol. The captain of the SS Amundsen stated in a transmission sent back to inhabited space:

“We picked up a short-range distress signal from the third planet, a metal-rich world with close to 1g but an unbreathable atmosphere. The pilot is suffering from malnutrition and psychological trauma but is otherwise unharmed. We are treating him in our medbay and are confident of a full physical recovery. I can confirm that we still intend to complete our four week survey mission before returning with our data.”

Lindelani Mduduzi was stranded on the planet over three years ago when his craft’s frame shift drive was irreparably damaged after a close encounter with the system’s binary stars, apparently after having set out without filing a flight plan with any authorities. He commented:

“I took my eye off the ball and it cost me. I’m just glad I’ll be back in the Federation soon. Is Halsey still running the show?”

The Pilot’s Federation recommends that all explorers file a flight plan with the appropriate authorities before embarking on expeditions.

Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Sagittarius A* Messenger | Interstellar Press

Published in Shinrarta Dezhra, Nanomam, and Rhea.