When living on the frontier of human space there are but two rules. The first: it's only yours if you can hold onto it. The second: if you found it, run fast.
Hip 108822 is a small mining colony, formerly known for absolutely nothing, and cared about by none. Now, known about by all of the Kumo Crew as they enforce the first rule there. The once-poor citizens of Hip 108822 thank Archon for the wealth they now produce - and keep.
The strength of this pirate band keeps at bay independent commanders who would otherwise steal the rare metals mined in Hip. It also acts as a staging ground for Delaine's further expansions along the frontier. In galactic terms it's a win-win situation rarely seen with the Kumo Crew.
When the reach of the Empire falls short to protect them, there is solace found in those whose reach can, regardless of their background or morality.
The strong survive, the weak perish. Such is life on the frontier.
Commander Mikalus
Interstellar Press | The Privateer
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