The White Templars have decided to come out of the shadows. Their leader, the Grand Master Templar has decided to openly show the strength and compassion of the Templars to the universe. They have set up a home on the border of A. Lavigny-Duval to share their immense knowledge and skills with pilots who will uses them for good and to assist any who wish to learn the ways of the Templar Knight.
Already the name of this order has been resounding through space as they successfully opposed the pirate Lord Archon Delaine for many months. These Knight are committed to providing help to those that need it, but they are also known for not backing down when faced with anyone trying to take advantage of others. If you see these white ships there is nothing to fear, unless of course you are a pirate.
Commander Pierre916
Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press
This has been a sponsored story for the White Templars.
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