Disclaimer: This list is a work in progress and may change with time.
Major News Outlets
Federation News
"Times of Mars" (popularly know as the "Mars Times", and "The Times")
Hawkish, War Coverage, reporters embedded with troops on various front lines. Congress news.
Discussion of Federation ships. Pro-Hudson. Doesn't support Winters. Fervently anti-Empire, suspicious of "weak" Alliance. Dismissive of Independents.
"Regulus Observer" (aka "the Observer")
Federation based, but critical of the governing Administration (anti-Hudson, pro-Winters), supports the Liberal party.
Friendly towards the Alliance, pro-social & a bit suspicious of military. Mocks anti-Empire "paranoia". Bleeding heart liberal, humanitarian stuff. Plague coverage, Federation Outbreaks & Famines.
Covers Federation government leaks, which the Times wouldn't cover because it's unpatriotic.
Empire News
"Capitol Herald"
Empire establishment perspective, pro-traditional imperial values, hawkish, anti-Federation.
Imperial war coverage. Senate news. Imperial ship discussion. Offical State announcements (Emperor, Chancellor, Wedding, etc). Patriotic. "Above" discussing Powerplay / will not discuss PP as it acknowledges non-Emperor authority i.e. unpatriotic talk.
"Liaedin Chronicle"
Empire, moderate / non-patriotic. Federation / Alliance tolerant.
Liaedin is an Empire enclave in Federation space, so it would have an unique perspective, Empire focus with a more open-minded twist. Like the "alternative" Federation news choice, the Chronicle would happily report stories critical of the Empire establishment, but still from an Empire perspective; government leaks; articles promoting warming of Fed/Emp relations. Social / humanitarian stuff, Outbreaks, Famines & Plague; here they could focus on Imperial military losses, whereas the Capitol Herald pro-military news would only report Imperial victories and skip over the losses.
Covers inter-Imperial Powerplay events in more details.
Alliance News
"Alioth Guardian"
Main Alliance news-wire service. Pro-Alliance military activism. Pro-Expansionist, critical of other Major Factions. Pro-Mahon.
Stories supportive of growing the Alliance, hawkish, pushes for more centralised control of Alliance members by Alioth. Covers Mahon victories, & general military victories of Alliance-allied sub-factions (the one's involving players anyway).
Propagandises for a "Unified Alliance Identity", deeper integration. Pro-Alliance Navy.
In the community IRL there's a big desire for Alliance ranks, and Alliance-specific ships like the Feds and Imps both have, we could make stories out of this painting it as pro-military sentiment in the Alliance public / supporting CMDRs, and turn the OOC I-want-content into material for an in-universe story, written as Navy propaganda by the Guardian.
"Allied News Service" (aka "ANS", "Allied News")
Alternative Alliance news perspective. Isolationist & Pacifist.
ANS stories would focus on the individual member-Worlds of the Alliance, and propagandise against more control by Alioth. It would push out scare stories about Alliance Navy conscription in response to Guardian stories about strengthening the military.
Alliance News would also look into Powerplay a bit more, so here we could explore / have discussion and speculation pieces about possible new Alliance-allied Powers, or the growing / influential Alliance Minor Factions that a new Alliance Power might emerge from.
Utopian News Network
Educational / Propaganda for the Utopian way of life. Also covers the struggles of independents on the frontier.
Special Interest
"Q1 Eridani Dispatch"
Political ie. Powerplay Analysis and Reports. Pointedly non-partisan and neutral.
Focus on looking at what's happening in PP, in particular the Player Groups, and also analysis and re-reporting of FDev's own fiction and biographic pieces about the Powers. Cadoc's weekly round-ups are published by these guys.
Speculation on big Minor Factions / upcoming potential new Powers.
Ships & Outfitting
"Jameson Memorial Review" (popularly known variously as "the Memorial Review", just "the Review", "Jameson's Review", or just "Jameson's")
Devoted to Ship News; discussion & opinion pieces on Ships & Modules.
Discussion of new ships, of modules & builds, a "Build of the Week" piece with a popular build from Coriolis.io or EDShipyard featured.
Fiction pieces involving ship-building Corporations like Core Dynamics, Zorgon-Peterson, Lakon etc., or the recent stuff about Player Groups and weapons manufacture RP things assigned here too.
Trade & Economy
"Zaonce Market Circular" (aka. "ZMC", "Market Circular")
Galactic economic & financial news. Trade Routes and Shipping Lane news.
Market analysis, discussion and tips on Trade Routes, Commodities Markets, Rare Goods. Discussion of Lakon Type freighter ships. Boom & Bust announcements / warnings. Business news. A look at trade-centered CGs. Mining discussion, use of mining modules & limpets + location tips on finding Pristine Metallic Ring Systems.
Reporters have special access to administrators and policy officials at the Bank of Zaonce, so we can have sources speaking on condition of anonymity over lunch to our correspondents.
Piracy warnings / alerts.
Bounty Hunting, Combat & PvP
"Artemis Sentinel"
Specialist publication for Bounty Hunters & Crime Fighters. Combat & PvP focus.
Showcase highly rated PvP shown off on Twitch or YouTube. Interview the pilots. Follows the events of combat-focused PGs with RPing slant.
Reports on good RES, CZs, hotspots for Piracy. Stories about random encounters, the typical story you hear about experienced players rescuing noobs from hostile players who go about seal-clubbing, big them up as heroes.
Hints on where to find Low Security Systems, to help pilots find PvE combat.
Piracy & Smuggling
"The Privateer"
Pirating news. Black Markets. Updates on slave and narcotics trades. Smuggling.
Pirate stories and testimonials. Tips on good pirate hunting grounds. Discussion of good ship builds, and tactics, for piracy / smuggling / stealth PvP / special tactics. Reports from the Code & other PGs, interviews with Top Bounty List players, or prolific pirates & criminals.
Smuggling advice. Good smuggling route tips. Updates on Anarchy & Dictatorship systems (where players can find slaves and weapons). Black market locations?
Exploration, Science & Technology
"Sagittarius A* Messenger"
Exploration news and content.
News and stories about player exploration voyages. Suggestions to check out photo galleries or videos from player Explorers. Exploration diaries.
Some discussion about long-range FSD outfitting, fuel scoop discussion.
Stories from the Fuel Rats. Fuel Rat adverts / promotional stuff, interviews.
Rumours from the Black? Space Madness?? Aliens???
"Galactic Science Weekly" (aka the "Science Journal" or the "Zandu Science Journal")
Coverage of scientific discoveries and new technology.
This is where community efforts to decipher things like the Unknown Artefact can be covered, and other puzzles that FDev inject into the game for the community to solve (they've said more to come).
Entertainment & Gossip
"Wolf Entertainment Weekly"
Galactic entertainment news, gossip, and glossy features.
Based out of Wolf 1431 - covering stories about the celebrities of the Galaxy. Stuff about Aisling's hair, her date with Patreus, or the devotion of her fanbase could go here.
Bombastic style, "Streaming to you Live from Qureshi Enterprise in Wolf 1431! This is Jerry McGeneric welcoming the Galaxy to Generic Evening Talkshow Tonight!" sort of thing perhaps.
Carefully controlled, marketing & promotional-heavy interviews with celebrities, painting them in the best possible light. Interviews with fictional characters, as well as with players and members of player groups, icons from the community maybe?
Interviews and coverage of ED Twitch streamers / popular Youtube contributors, other popular members of the ED community here, being interviewed in-character, would be welcomed.
"Star Express" (aka "The Star" or "The Express")
Negative reporting, paparazzi-type gutter press outfit. Reports rumours and libellous speculation about celebrities and politicians.
Unsubstantiated rumours reported as fact. Libellous stories made up by someone's enemies are re-reported by the Star Express without any fact-checking. Mud-slinging. Rabble-rousing. Trash-talking.
"Secret recordings" from bugged politicians or celebs. Fabricated logs & doctored holofeed footage is spread here.
Lifestyle & General Interest
"Sentient Life Magazine" (aka "Sentient Life")
History, the Arts & Culture. Non-partisan analysis of charitable + humanitarian relief missions.
Independent perspective. Narrative style roaming reporter's articles. Commemorative works, and neutral tone biographic pieces.
Tourism, geography & the natural world. Environmentalism. Terraforming & geo-engineering. Architecture & civic design. Demographics, migration, refugee crises. Philosophy. Theology & Religion.
Summary articles / reviews of creative content produced by the ED community
Current Events section looking at highlights of Player events & Community Goals.
"Lomas Racing News" (aka "the Racing News")
Sports news publications, streams, and reports.
Coverage of noteworthy sporting events of every type across the Galaxy. Based out of Lomas Orbiter in Wolf 359, the starting point for the famous Buckyball Run A*.
This will be the go-to publishing house for all player-driven "sport" content (buckyball, demolition derby, anything else that gets submitted). Really hoping CQC Championships will provide on-going material for this one too, so we could potentially be covering the stars of the contests / top ranking players.
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