Rising star and literary luminary Ila Bhosale debuted as a playwright last night at the Mount Olympus Amphitheatre on Mars. Her play, “A Corral of Fools” was sold out within hours of tickets going on sale last month, and last night’s showing was packed. A well-known satiric wit, great things were expected of Bhosale’s first thespian offering.
The Martian audience responded positively to the play’s first half, which depicts a cunning stockbroker wooing her feckless toyboy in order to gain entry to his snooty but dysfunctional family. However, the second half saw less enthusiasm from the audience as a tinpot admiral blusters from behind a desk whilst cutting arms deals with big corporations, ignoring the increasing problem of his workers being robbed and then kidnapped by a dastardly highwayman. Other figures in the play include an emotionless cyborg, an Onionhead addicted holy man, and a bureaucratic office manager who sends people to sleep whenever he talks.
The response from Federal critics was mixed, with the Times of Mars condemning the play as “unfunny” and “nonsensical”, whilst the Regulus Observer declared it a “much needed biting lampoon clearly inspired by leading political figures; an acid wit of bold genius”. It remains to be seen how it will be received in Alliance and Imperial space.
“A Corral of Fools” continues its tour including stops in Barnard’s Star, Eravate, Lave, Alioth, Leesti, Facece, Cemiess, and Achenar.
Cmdr Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar
Wolf Entertainment Weekly | Interstellar Press
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